Tax Penalty Abatement
In most tax cases, penalties make up 10-30% of the total tax obligation. A penalty abatement request can eliminate some or in some cases, all penalties. That is if the taxpayer has reasonable cause for not paying the tax on time or paying the appropriate amount of tax. Find out if you qualify for a tax penalty abatement with our free consultations here at Internal Tax Resolution!
Some Reasonable Causes for Tax Penalty Abatement
Prolonged unemployment
Business failure
Major illness or death
Natural disasters
Inability to get records
System issues that delayed electronic filing or payment
Tax Penalty Appeal
If the IRS rejected your request for a penalty abatement on your own then perhaps a penalty appeal is your answer! Our team of tax attorneys here at Internal Tax Resolution will be able to assist you with a tax penalty appeal. But move quickly, as you only have 30 days from receiving the rejection letter to act. If you feel that you have reasonable cause for a tax penalty appeal by all means give one of our 43 offices a call today for a free consultation! Our tax attorneys and tax consultants know the tax laws inside and out and will know if certain statutory exceptions or administrative waivers for the tax penalty appeal and interest can be abated. So don't wait as interest will be tacked onto any penalty fees and can just exacerbate your tax problem!